This Depressing Government

I have been trying to think of any major program or initiative which this government has proposed which has come to a successful conclusion and so far I have failed.

Education, the NHS, Law and Order, police reform, welfare and benefits. None of these have really shown the improvements we were told would happen. And on top of that, we are involved in the disasters of Iraq and possibly Afghanistan with now an unpopular stance vis-a-vis Israel. The Daily Telegraph yougov poll must make dismal reading for our government, that is if Tony reads the papers on holiday, and the Israelis.

And many things are unravelling. The target of 50% of school leavers going to university has not been reached as young people have realised that many degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. Far from guaranteeing better jobs, they are only guaranteed a large debt. For all the money poured in, education standards have improved only slightly.

The NHS was at one time underfunded by comparison with other countries, but with massive extra money it still does not compare for service with some European neighbours. By fudging the true cost of capital spending in PPP deals and the like, Gordon Brown has actually diverted those extra funds into paying the private partners’ dividends.

And recently it would seem that all sorts of government plans are being rolled back.

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